Beautiful Playa Chiquita beach

Tours and local information

Local map below of the Caribbean coast, beaches, restaurants, bus times for easy overview.

Explore Puerto Viejos abundant wildlife and nature on your holiday.

We have made a prime selection of the most popular Tours, Restaurants and Sights on the following pages. (in the Activity dropdown menu)

As some periods of the year Tour Bookings get very busy here. Pre-book your tours in advance to avoid them being sold out.


Peters Art Gallery

Guests are invited to visit my art gallery at Uva Blue villas.
Should you want to see local Caribbean art,
you are welcome to call me and book a time.
Peter +506 2759 9340


Most locals use bicycles or get around as it is a very bicycle friendly area.

If you want to get into town for the nightlife in Puerto Viejo, a taxi (~$8USD), bicycle, or bus (~$1USD) would be best.

While the town of Puerto Viejo is close.

You will find everything you need to get by HERE in Playa Chiquita (Grocery Store, Beaches and Restaurants)

There are lots of bike and scooter rentals in town. Find the closest ones in our drop down Activity menu and 'Rent a bike'.

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